Thesaurus Term/Concept: WATCHING BRIEF

Identifier 145177
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note A formal programme of observation and investigation conducted during any operation carried out for non-archaeological reasons that may damage archaeological deposits. This will be within a specified area or site on land, inter-tidal zone or underwater.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (2)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)

Instances/Examples (37)

Context Record
Event Type EWE297 3a Newpark Calanais Archaeological Monitoring (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE45 A Watching Brief on a Water-Pipe Trench, Village Bay, St Kilda 2003 (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE269 Aird 11 Kv Cabling Works, Carinish. North Uist (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE293 An Archaeological Evaluation and Watching Brief at Croft 2A Hushinish, Isle of Harris. (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE229 An Archaeological Watching Brief at 1A Melbost Borve, Isle of Lewis. (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE257 Archaeological Evaluation & Monitoring, Rodel House, Rodel. South Harris. (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE281 Archaeological Watching Brief & Excavation, Bac Tolsta. Isle of Lewis (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE112 Archaeological Watching Brief at Barpa Langais (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE65 Arnish Point Watching Brief (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE158 Arnol Blackhouse, Lewis, watching brief (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE103 Balallan to Laxay Replacement Water Main Western Isles: Archaeological Watching Brief (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE82 Berneray Causeway: Archaeological Walkover survey & Watching Briefs (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE303 Berneray Causeway. Watching Brief & Excavations at Screvan Quarry Site, Otternish, Nth Uist & Aird ma-Ruibhe, Berneray. (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE6 Breasclete Park Watching Brief (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE298 Croft 2a, Pairc Bhreascleit Archaeological Watching Brief (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE31 Eaglais na h-Aoidhe Arch Supports (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE147 Gearrannan blackhouse village reconstruction watching brief (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE208 Glen House. Stornoway (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE23 Holm Waste Water Treatment Works (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE258 Landing Site for a Submarine Cable Beacravik, Isle of Harris. (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE139 Paible, Taransay watching brief (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE195 Phase 3 Coastal Protection Works. Benbecula Airport. (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE115 Port of Ness Water Main Renewal Archaeological Watching Brief (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE44 Remedial Work Emergency Reservoir, St Kilda (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE283 Scottish Water Mains Renewal, Archaeological Watching Brief. Stinky Bay. Benbecula. (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE54 Scottish Water Sewage Works, Lewis: Archaelogical Watching Brief (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE159 South Bragar, Lewis (Event - Survey)
Event Type EWE292 SSE - Calanais - Giosla Overhead Line Replacement (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE321 St Clements Church Rodel. (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE289 Stornoway Airport, Isle of Lewis. (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE295 The Dunes Farm Shop, Balranald. North Uist (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE230 Upper Bayble Distressed Pipe Scheme (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE172 Watching Brief - Breascleit Playpark (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE291 Watching Brief (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE323 Water Main Renewal RCI Dalmore DMA, Isle of Lewis (Event - Intervention)
Event Type EWE312 Water Main Renewal, RCI Benbecula DMA Archaeological Watching Brief Data Structure Report (Event - Intervention)